Disperse Orange 37 CAS13301-61-6Disperse yellow brown 2 RCW used for dyeing polyester fiber
1-ETHYL-3-METHYLIMIDAZOLIUM TETRAFLUOROBORATE CAS143314-16-3Chemical intermediates, fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, materials
Ethinamide CAS536-33-4Inhibit tuberculosis, high concentrations of bactericidal effect.
ETHYL LAURATE CAS106-33-2Used as a flavoring, spices, spandex additives and pharmaceutical raw materials, etc
ETHYLENEDIAMINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE CAS333-18-6Used as analytical reagent and curing agent, also used in dye synthesis
FENBUTATIN OXIDE CAS13356-08-6Can effectively and continuously control phytophagous mites, apply to apple, citrus, pears, grapes, hawthorn, tea, cotton, vegetables, flowers and other crops