TOPS CAS 40567-80-4It is used as IVD test agent with good water solubility, high sensitivity and strong stability.
Gentamycin sulfate CAS 1405-41-0It is inhibits protein synthesis by binding to L6 protein of 50S ribosomal subunit.
Polymyxin B sulfate CAS 1405-20-5It is a strongly cationic cyclic polypeptide antibiotic that is derived from fermentation of Bacilus polymyxa.
Superoxide dismutase CAS 9054-89-1They are a group of low molecular weight metalloproteins present in all aerobic cells of plants, animals and micro-organisms
Iodoacetic acid sodium salt CAS 305-53-3It is a reagent for the modification of cysteine residues in proteins
Tween 20 CAS 9005-64-5It is a polysorbate-type nonionic surfactant formed by the ethoxylation of sorbitan before the addition of lauric acid.
1,3-ACETONEDICARBOXYLIC ACID CAS542-05-2Carboxylic Acid Monomers, Materials Science, Monomers, Polymer Science