IVD reagents are substances used in in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests to detect diseases, conditions, or other health markers. They are essential components in many diagnostic tests, such as blood glucose monitoring, pregnancy tests, and infectious disease tests. IVD reagents can be antibodies, enzymes, nucleic acids, or other biological molecules, and their performance and quality are critical to the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic results. Yacoo Science carries a broad range of raw materials for IVD reagents.
Ferene disodium salt CAS79551-14-7Biochemical reagent,Colorimetric reagent for detecting iron
Febuxostat CAS144060-53-7Approved description: a used in the treatment of high uric acid hematic disease and chronic gout of xanthine oxidase inhibitors.
5-Bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate p-toluidine salt CAS6769-80-8a histochemical substance used for visualizing areas of alkaline phosphatase activity
2-Thiobarbituric acid CAS504-17-6Used as an analytical reagent and medicine intermediate plating additive, biochemical reagent, rhodium
Solanesol from tobacco CAS13190-97-1Synthesis of Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin K2 intermediate.
Sodium butyrate CAS156-54-7Reduce the release of intracellular Ca2 +, inhibit histone deacetylase, inducing apoptosis.
SARCOSINE CAS107-97-1Biochemical reagents, dye stabilizers, daily chemical, amino acid surfactant, health care drugs fatigue recovery agent