The commonly used chemiluminescence immunoassay kits

2022-02-15 10:07:24

Chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) is a labeled immunoassay technique that combines chemiluminescence with an immune response for the detection of various trace antigens or antibodies. It is widely accepted by the clinic because of its high sensitivity, wide linear dynamic range, long optical signal duration, simple and rapid analysis method, stable results, small error, good safety and long service life. So which test kits use chemiluminescence immunoassay technology? Let's take a look together.

In clinical diagnosis, chemiluminescence immunoassay is currently mainly used for the detection of tumor, endocrine (methine, diabetes), hormones, infectious diseases, heart disease, etc. The application kits are shown in the following table:

Table 1. Classification of chemical immunoassay test kits

Chemiluminescence immunoassays are capable of detecting a variety of diseases, but in the analysis, due to the polymorphism of the antigen, the complexity of reagents, instrument, and operating environment, there are sometimes factors that interfere with the luminescence test results. False positives, false negatives and abnormal results appearing in clinical chemiluminescence immunoassays should be analyzed from various aspects, and corresponding measures should be taken to eliminate interference, so as to provide correct and reliable test results for the clinic.

Edited by Suzhou Yacoo Science Co., Ltd.

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